ELYSA MARGARET SMITH aka GISELLE english escort – financial con artist

elysa margaret smith - scam artist - dinar scam - escort girl
elysa margaret smith – scam artist – dinar scam – escort girl



AFTER DEEP DIVE INVESTIGATION : using facial technology we uncovered her true identity, profession, line of work to be an escort girl, hooker, sex worker and sugarbaby !! (see ESCORT BACKGROUND CHECK below)


ELYSA MARGARET SMITH introduces herself as intimately and highly connected world of super wealthy ARABs, high stakes finance, and IRAQI government and UAE multi billionaire / dubai princes and sheiks holding billions of US$ secret funding for projects which she directly heads and controls those trusts. 

she claims to own 6 private jets and is the richest woman in the world
holding trillions in high stakes shares and iraqi dinar currency being revalued 
and a new secret QFS quantum financial system, new economic world order coming

she claims to hold secret personal stakes in historical heritage assets for her clients 
like 60 tons of gold, crown jewels, heritage kingdom jewellery, and properties in the dubai palms, london shrad, with 2000 high end properties and private islands around the globe, that she is connected and in secret deals with the global royal families and kings of indonesia, thailand, qatar, malaysia, ect ect
she claims she has billions to utilize for humanitarian and such conservation projects 

she claims as she is hiding top financial secrets she is always in hidden from social media and only uses encrypted signal for such communication, and is mostly under strict gag orders to not become available in public settings or be uncovered so to maintain high level of secrecy between everyone into signing NDAs 


ELYSA MARGARET SMITH makes each person in her captured network to sign top secrecy papers with high strung NDAs covering international government laws and usa senate federal subpoenas protection of secrecy 

after all this initial groundwork is established to prevent her activities being tracked she starts further credibility boosting by establishing millions of dollars deals for various properties / partnerships / purchases, and has already done so with over 100 large property owners in the hundreds of million US$ valuations 

next step is to ask for all your property documents / legal titles / proofs / certificates, 
along with detailed bank information for creating paymaster transfer instructions 
through “offshore trust funds” via her “private top bank managers” in the usa
stating “funds will be transferred and payment instructions have been given to paymasters”

her claims are endless and she is an expert actress and investment talker

her real motives all the while is to create a big illusion of being a secret top elite financier who is happy to invest in any big deals for millions of dollars and ask each of her victim to further introduce her to more people

currently her network of victim is over thousand high net worth individuals across mexico and she started taking multiple small “few thousands of USD loans” with various alibi like paying her “paymaster fee, lawyer fee, protection fee etc.” we believe that her ultimate goal is to eventually induce her victims to invest a dangerous and fraudulent scheme involving

iraq dinar reevalution scam ( click here to open article )

that has scammed hundreds of millions of dollars in USA recently. you can see she is mentioning that topic within all her conversations seen in the CORRESPONDENCE section and also mentions that she has 10+ big dinar contracts.


while running routine background on ELYSA MARGARET SMITH to see if her background matches anything she says we were surprised to see that not only she has no real background in financial world besides nominating herself as a director in a few shell companies that she registered and then got delisted within the same year which is a sign they are just a fake company established for some purpose… the background check report then revealed shockingly that her main past profession is actually an escort girl up to just a few years before starting her current con activity. she was active under nick name GISELLE ENGLISH ESCORT and promotes her escort services in dubai, uae, russia, london, eu, ibiza, singapore, pakistan etc… the report below speak for itself, the investigators found over 10 websites that she is still listing her escort services. all links are live websites …. pdf version


we soon discovered that whatever her so-called secret privileged information she was claiming came directly from her special connections with the admiral in reno / US the pentagon, the UST treasury, regarding iraqi dinar revaluation RV, global currency reset, redemption bonds, QFS quantum financial system, ect ect everyday was infact just copy paste info from this scam website :



this is a conversation covering over 8 months during which one of her potential victim – mr. R.O. lost months of going after her fake bait contract and having spend over 80k usd himself preparing for her “investments”. you can see her stressing the dinar investment opportunities more and more each day.


ELYSA makes victims sign various big sum fake investment contracts aiming to disarm and delude the victims into thinking that they can gain an easy investment cash – thinking that she has an upper hand and will to give them money, this is a typical nigerian scam/advance fee scam scheme where the scammer will usually pose that they have a big amount of cash that they need to invest or transfer after getting first a token money under various guises.  


please promptly contact us if you have more information about ELYSA M. SMITH con artist whereabouts or if you have been a victim yourself. We have heard that there is at least one more person in Tulum who is commiting the same exact scam with all the claims and modus operandi of Elysa Smith. This proves there is a larger group promoting this financial con scheme and appreciate anyone contributing information on their activities. please contact us via the contact form below, your identity will be protected

    #elysa margaret smith #elysa smith #dinar reevaluation scam #scam artist #nigerian scam #pig butchering scam #dinar scam #high finance scam #love scam #con artist #ponzi scheme #tulum #cancun #mexico #dinar rv #nwo scam #conspiracy scam #dinar #NESARA scam #GESARA disinformation scam #QFS scam